Philippine Self-Help Foundation
Rhiza has fond memories of Bernie's parents.
I knew Isabel Gampay for many years through her daughter Bernie who had become a close friend. Sadly, we lost Bernie in September 2021 when she became ill with an undiagnosed pancreatic disease. Bernie had been with PSHF as a veteran staff for over 30 years.
In the early years I would go with Bernie to her parents’ home on the island of Guimaras when she was off from work at weekends. Those countless weekends at Bernie’s parents’ home gave me the opportunity to get to know Isabel and we became endeared to each other over the years. We had fun conversations as well as more serious ones and sometimes we would cry as we shared how life could be difficult at times.
Having Bernie as my best friend was such a blessing, and to have her mother Isabel become my friend too was a double blessing. I always felt like a member of the Gampay family each time I was in their home.
Just a month ago, sadly, we lost Isabel due to complications from pneumonia brought about by old age. She was 92 years old when she passed on. Now two of my dearest friends are gone. I miss Isabel’s sweet nature despite her often being feisty. She was a true, intimate and genuine friend.
My last time with Isabel had been in August when she was hospitalised for infections from blood clots in her legs. She was very sharp and cognitive at that time and we were able to have a good conversation. She was hospitalized another couple of times due to her deteriorating condition. I was able to visit her in hospital on the day before she died. She was very weak and could no longer talk but I could whisper in her ear to say that I loved her and she responded by shedding tears and making facial expressions. She also could not open her eyes so she couldn’t see but she knew my voice, and that assured her of my presence. I am sure it was a comfort for her to have me near in her final moments.
We in PSHF are consoled by the fact that one of our sponsors kindly funded a caregiver for Isabel and her husband Serapion after their daughter Bernie died in September 2021. Erlyn was a devoted carer for the two of them - she kept the house clean and tidy, prepared their food and did errands for them. Another reason we felt at peace for the couple is that Bernie’s husband, Joe came over from Iloilo twice a month and stayed for a week to keep Isabel and Serapion company and he would take them for a drive on their tricycle to visit their friends and relatives around town.
After Isabel’s passing a month ago, we in PSHF saw to it that Serapion was not left alone. Having seen Erlyn’s excellent performance as a carer, she will continue to be the carer for Serapion and Joe continues to pay regular visits to his father-in-law. This set up is giving us peace of mind and a sense of fulfillment knowing that we are honoring Bernie and her legacy with the PSHF by looking after her parents long after she has gone.
Rhiza Gene Ciudad
December 2023