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Donations are gratefully received in the following ways:

Donations in the Philippines can be made through this bank account:

​​​Philippine National Bank - Tagbilaran City, Bohol branch

​Account Number : 3058 7000 2621

​Account Name : Philippine Self-Help Foundation-Negros 

Donations from outside the Philippines can be made by a transfer to our US dollar account at:

Donations from US residents can be made through our partner organization, Seed Sowers Ministries at First Presbyterian Church in Sioux Falls.

Philippine National Bank - Lacson St. branch in Bacolod city
Account Number  307- 76011563-9
Account Name: Philippine Self-Help Foundation-Negros Inc.
Swift Code : PNBMPHMM
Routing Number: 040080019




Two ways of donating through Seed Sower Ministries:

1. You can issue a check to FPC, 2300 S West Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57105


2.You can  go to their website at and use the electronic QR Code to pay and designate for Seed Sowers.

United Kingdom residents can make a donation to PSHF through Links International. Here are the bank details:

Lloyds Bank plc

Account name: Links International 

Sort code: 30-99-86

Account number: 00432695

Please use the reference: PSHF 3089 (so that we can allocate the funds correctly)

                                                              ( Gift aided donations are possible)

Donations in Japan can be made through our Mizuho bank account in Kamakura:

Account name: Philippine Self Help Foundation ( Philippine Jilitsu Enjo Kiken)

Account number: 760 1120782 (Futsu)

Branch name: Kamakura Shiten.

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